Canadian Gap Year Association
Canada Burlington Burlington
- Sales, Business Development, Business Consulting
- Management (incl. project, product management & human resources)
- Education, Training, Teaching, Science Jobs
Company Detail
We are a non-profit organization that helps students and families decide if a gap year is the right fit for them AND if it is, we help them plan, execute and get recognition for a PURPOSEFUL gap year. We work with educators, post-secondary institutions, corporations and government to make this pathway more accessible for all. Our signature program is the Gap Year Certification - The Student of Leadership and Humanity Award - a formal recognition of the transformation and growth that takes place on a purposeful gap year. We also provide a gap year planning course to ensure that families are considering all of the important factors to ensuring the year is well spent and re-entry into post-secondary afterwards is successful.
- Company Overview
- Established 2017
- Email ******@cangap.ca
- Websitehttp://www.cangap.ca/
Current Opening
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