Ares Genetics
Austria Vienna Karl-Farkas-Gasse 18
- Sales, Business Development, Business Consulting
- Engineering, Construction, Manufacturing, Technical, Utilities Jobs
Company Detail
Ares Genetics - an OpGen Group Company - is developing DNA-based infectious disease services and solutions for drug response prediction to improve the way antimicrobial resistant (AMR) infections are diagnosed, and prevented or treated. Our innovative AI-powered and Machine Learning (ML) driven approach leverages the extensive, curated database ARESdb to comprehensively detect and determine the genetic profile of pathogens. Unlike conventional molecular assays, Ares Genetics solutions not only detect AMR markers but shed light on prevalence and diagnostic performance for these markers and predict how pathogens will respond to therapy.
- Company Overview
- Established 2017
- Email ******@ares-genetics.com
- Websitehttps://www.opgen.com/ares/
Current Opening
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